Hi! Did you come here from Google looking for troubleshooting information about the PC game Jungle Legend? If so, I just wanted to let you know that I am also getting crashes from the main menu reporting that final.exe had a problem. At least you know you’re not alone on this vast internet.
…Moving right along, tonight’s game is Jungle Legend. It came in a new batch of obscure games from an eBay seller. Whenever a new shipment comes, I always feel like delving right into at least one of them. Unfortunately, this is the one I chose. Unfortunate because it did not work. The game had IncaGold on the packaging which made me feel good because they were responsible for Hot Wired. It looks like an outfit named Flair Software licensed IncaGold’s 3D engine for this title.

The game’s installer shows a graphic for 3D Real Hunting. That threw me off somewhat– was it an ad or an oversight on the part of the installation engineer?
The game’s documentation is quite thorough and straightforward about the storyline– skimming… African rainforests… tribes, ancient race… 4 magic stones, correspond to earth elements like fire and water. Okay, I gather I’m supposed to collect the 4 rocks. It occurs to me I almost have enough to write a MobyGames description, except that I don’t exactly know what the gameplay is like. I assume it’s a 3D game, and an action one at that. But I don’t know if it’s 1st or 3rd-person or perhaps side-scrolling.
Daniel says:
I also experienced problems but after installing win32 I could play it but after I’ve collected the dark blue or Red stone and got back to the city, the door locked behind me and the gate to the inner city was still closed and there was nothing I could do to open it. I was trapped between the two doors. I succeeded in collecting al four stones at different occations but not in one game. Finale.exe has a problem.
I just wish that the programmers of the game will upload a patch somewhere on the internet that can fix the problem.
John West says:
yes ihad the same problem,when between the two doors,
the only way round it is to creep between the cracks
in the wall, basically get up close to side wall and
and keep pushing you will see daylight and get through.
Im sure this is not official and I had to play it four
times before I saw a way round, probably its a bad
layout, when you get through you can use the crystals
on the I think pyramid and enter and complete.Good
John West says:
I have got at various times copies of “Jungle Legend”
mainly because its very fussy about which video system
you have, it mentions its own preferences and it has a
lot of trouble with later systems.
The main point of this note is to advise the best
route, if you escape the crocs you will cross a bridge
first having climbed or fallen out of various trees which lead you to a bamboo lift,you will then find
your first save diamond.Its getting from start to first
save that is time consuming.
When you get to the lost city you can collect 2 of
the coloured stones then proceed out of the city to
the two external temples to find the remaining stones
then return to the city with the 4 stones.Then you are
trapped between the gates leading back into the city.
The way out is as described in my previous note.
Find the cracks between gates and walls.There may
be a legitimate route back to the city has anyone
found It ?
mark wilkinson says:
yep.just bought jungle legend and i got the same problem with the final.exe right at the start.i got alapesia now looking for a patch.(thats baldy patches all over my head with pulling my hair out)i hate buying games that dont work.
holmesrg says:
I have had this game for several years and found it to be quite fun. I ran it first with 98 and an a vodoo2 video card . It worked fine until I finished with the first temple and then it would crash. I saved the game and once I upgraded to 2nd edition it worked fine but it took me alot of time to get all the way through the game. I found it helped to start over as the game never seems to be run the exact same way twice.
Squeak says:
Trying to run on win7 start screen comes up but… then crashes or freezes… any ideas… pity it looks like a nice game… there are many many games that wont run on win7 machines but better written games work… why did they make them like this???
john west says:
Update from John West,
Came back after some years to unravel problems
with “Jungle Legend”.
Basically it runs best on xp with approved graphics
but will run on any graphics most protection systems
interfere with it and will not allow it to load as
it thinks its a virus so they must be switched off
ideally run on an old machine not protected but please
note the machine will be vulnerable to viruses if connected to the internet
I have started a write up which is almost complete
and lots of movie video screen shots. I have played
it many times and know all the problems. If played
without cheating and making all the correct moves
notably collecting the two jewels in the city and
opening the blue gate in the city via a switch in the temple holding 0ne of the four crystals needed for the final phase plus not using the save crystals when entering the black hole gates of which there are two as they will be needed when you return for the final playoff having collected the last two jewels.
The problem with the save crystals is later in the
game when returning to the city the game can crash if you don’t save quickly the crystals mentioned above and
make you replay the last section you saved so its a tough game to complete. If there is anyone playing
it can be quite fun and you often fall out of trees
in the process so good luck??