Okay, seriously, I’m totally going to ease up off the new game acquisitions after this. It’s just that the same person who was getting rid of all those real time strategy games seen in a recent acquisition log was also giving away a bunch of other random, old, CD-ROM games. Many of them were still new in their original boxes. All of the boxes come from the era when computer boxes were growing to mammoth proportions; enormous specimens that contained a jewel case if you were lucky, but more likely just enclosed a lot of complicated corrugated cardboard along with a CD-ROM in a paper sleeve.
I received 16 games total today. 4 of them are not currently in the MobyGames database:

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- Mission Chameleon
- Cyber Chess
- Amazing Learning Games with Rayman
- Fantasy Football Draft Kit ’99
Here is a selection of other titles that came in today, presented for their oddity. Remarkably, each is already in the database:

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- Rules of the Game
- Action Man: Raid on Island X (I’ve never heard of this Hasbro franchise before but apparently there is a video game series consisting of no less than 5 games)
- MTV Total Request Live Trivia
- Extreme Bullrider (from the same people who brought you Extreme Angler)
- Star Wars Demolition (Sega Dreamcast)