The genre of “Tycoon” simulation games is ridiculously vast. Here are some of my acquisitions from the previous year in this field:

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So we have:
- Fairy Godmother Tycoon (I actually remember seeing this when it was first released in 2007 and keeping my eye on it, knowing that I would collect it some day)
- Prison Tycoon 4: Supermax (first 3 games in the series are already in MobyGames)
- Deep Sea Tycoon: Diver’s Paradise (already in MobyGames)
- Mall of America Tycoon (apparently a “special edition” of the overarching Mall Tycoon series, the first 3 of which are already in the database)
- TV Tycoon (I just realized this is already in the database as TV Manager)
- Tycoon Collection (shovelware collection not documented in database yet, though some of the constituent games are):
- Moon Tycoon (in database)
- Marine Life Tycoon
- Ocean Explorer Tycoon
- Coffee Tycoon (in database)
I actually look forward to these playing these games sometime since I had such a good time during my all-too-brief time allotted to Skateboard Park Tycoon.