I remember seeing this image a long time ago:

The reason I bring this up is because of 2 recent acquisitions: Hello Kitty Online and a Warhammer 40,000 game, forming just the right cohesion:

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Not only is it Hello Kitty Online (which is a free-to-play game anyway), but this is the Premium Edition! You know it has to be special.
The Warhammer 40K Game is Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II – Retribution. I know this is awfully current by my standards. But I have a good excuse– I got this (new) and a new copy of Dungeon Siege III at a charity auction during the Christmas season.
2 boxed games:

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CyberMage: Darklight Awakening received an EA CD-ROM Classics edition release. That makes it sound like a big deal, though I had never heard of it before I picked it up at the thrift shop. Then there is Rescue Heroes: Mission Select– I’m determined to single-handedly get the entire Rescue Heroes series into MobyGames.
One of these games is not like the other:

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Fate: The Cursed King is a very recent game (copyright 2011). It prominently gloats that it has 10 million fans (on Facebook). Further, it features some kind of Facebook integration, something I haven’t seen for a boxed game (not that I purchase very many recent ones).
The other 2 games are Beyond Pearl Harbor: Pacific Warriors and Amazing Animals.

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- Beyond Divinity: Looks cool, but like all games that look cool, is already well-represented in the database.
- Great Adventures by Fisher-Price: Castle
- Hardwar: I picked this up at the thrift shop today; too bad they only had the second disc.
- Pinball Science: Ideally, this disc has a functional pinball game or 2.

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- Monopoly Casino: Monopoly-themed casino games; the jewel case copy also encourages you to seek out Monopoly-themed gambling games in real-world casinos.
- Where in the USA is Carmen Sandiego: CD-ROM edition; I always wonder if these games are playable without the physical material that usually supplemented them (I remember the floppy version of Where in Time… came with a desktop encyclopedia).
- Peter’s Numbers Adventure: sounds like a delightfully banal educational title.
- Mega Bloks Dragons and Mega Bloks Dragons: Metal Ages: Not sure what Mega Bloks is, but the site has tie-ins with properties as diverse as Halo and Hello Kitty.
- Scooby-Doo and the Toon Tour of Mysteries (disc 4 in a series): I wanted to get this because I have some other series of Scooby-Doo discs that I wished to complete. However, this seems to be a video DVD that also has a Flash-based game on the DVD-ROM portion. So it’s not in the same series as other games I have looked at.
Steve says:
Mega Bloks is the other plastic brick/block building toy. You’ve seen the #1 player- Lego.
Multimedia Mike says:
Thanks, Steve, I knew I could count on you. :-)