Today is Father’s Day in the U.S. While visiting one of my favorite spent video game shops the other day, a mother and her son stopped in. She explained that her husband had expressed interest in a retro-gaming fix with an Atari 2600 during their 9 years of marriage. She had been to about 5 video game shops in the area but this is one shop that actually stocks really old stuff (I picked up another pile of Sega CD and Saturn games). This shop was able to oblige her with one of several custom wrapped packages that contained an Atari 2600 base console, a controller, the hookups, and a Pac-Man cartridge. Price of the nostalgia fix: $50. Plus, they still have a pile of old 2600 carts for a dollar apiece.
So that wife left happy with the Father’s Day present and I trust the hubby is happy today — provided that their current television accepts coaxial input.