It was a late night at work and I don’t have much time for a game tonight. No matter– I have some games reserved for just such situations. I started and completed Tek-Kids Flash-Ops: Mission: Data Island while capturing a complete set of screenshots, all in the span of about 10 minutes.
I was partially correct in my hypothesis from the last Tek Kids entry when I guessed that Data Island was some kind of virtual island. The intro explains that Data Island is a giant mainframe that is as big as an island. While the intro explains that it’s on the water somewhere, the action seems to take place in some cyber-looking virtual location. And while there is no explicit environmental theme, Data Island’s purpose is to take control of all the world’s computers to world domineering ends.

The action is more similar to Polar Mission than Aqua Zone as movement principly occurs in two dimensions. The craft on which the Tek Kid travels can move up in short bursts but I’m not sure if this has any practical application in the game. I just checked and the craft in Polar Mission can do the same thing. But flying high or low makes no difference for touching objects.
Here is an action shot, with Data Island looming hauntingly in the background:

I made it through all 3 segments on the first try. Let’s hear it for me. I must observe that the segments seemed longer than in the previous two games. The code for this game is AR93, if anyone is keeping score.