I picked up another girlie game from the same office store that usually supplies such titles. This one is Let’s Ride: Corral Club. It’s a horseback riding game. The game’s mere existence might not be so outlandish; that there is an entire series of Let’s Ride titles, more so.

First, you customize your girl’s appearance. Girls are the only option, eliminating any doubt of the series’ target demographic. Then it’s time to trick out your pony as seen in the screenshot above. Then choose one of 3 game modes: Practice, Competition, or Pasture.
Practice allows you to rehearse the one task you have to perform in this game: maneuvering your virtual equine organism around 3 barrels. The game guides you with arrows in this mode, but offers no such guidance when you leap hoof first into the actual competition:

Competitive times are are well under 20 seconds and get tighter as you reach higher levels. I don’t mind telling you I became extremely proficient at rounding those barrels. You wouldn’t believe how many different competitions there are in the game: Local, City, County, Sectional, Regional, State, National. I didn’t play long enough to see the Planetary or Galactic stages.
Can this possibly be all that there is to the game? The cliche that immediately springs to mind would be, “one-trick pony”. I proceeded to the Pasture stage. This presented a no-pressure romp around the same 3 barrels. However, it then offered a different barrel course called slalom:

So the game mixes it up a little bit. I have no idea if this arrangement ever comes into play for the main competition, though. And I wonder what can possibly comprise all the other episodes of the game? Barrels in daring new arrangements? Hopefully, other series titles at least feature jumping. And you know that I’ll probably be the one to find out sooner or later.
Anonymous says:
best game ever
Kaye says:
I played this game and after beating some things I got new horses like a zebra to ride but we saved by mistake and could not get after. Do not know what we did to get the new breeds.
During the field competition the barrels configurations get larger and harder I no longer can beat the ones i beat before so this must be how you get the other breeds.
The reg barrel racing competition was not hard to beat.
Multimedia Mike says:
Thanks for the feedback, Kaye. Glad to know someone else is interested in equestrian simulations.
zoe says:
i would love to play this game
Anonymous says:
let’s Ride Riding Star has jumping, cross country ad dressage.
Anonymous says:
But this is the only western game I’ve seen. Looks fun :)
brittani says:
that does look really fun
megan says:
cool game
tia says:
the Horse is a little stocky and small can you get bigger ones?
Kay says:
i have this game….. its not that fun trust me!!! LOL :)
Jasmine says:
I used to have this game. The best part is you can ride around freely. It gets kind of boring after awhile