Actually, the title of this game is merely Hunt, which will make it annoying to search for when it gets into MobyGames soon. It’s of the “casual game” genre, or must be, because not only did I pick it up in the budget software section where I found My Fantasy Wedding and Bratz: Rock Angelz, but also because it was on clearance. It’s a curious genre cross between a first person shooter and a hunting game.
First, there is the section where you go out into the haunted or perhaps radioactive forest, armed with 4 different weapons, and mow down aggressive animals like bears and boars (later levels apparently have rabbits too):

When you reach the flagstaff, you have the opportunity to switch to a more traditional hunting scene in a more serene setting.

There’s a bear in that picture, but it’s a little far off. It’s easier when the random bear encounter occurs closer to you.
And that’s all I really feel like writing on Christmas Eve.