Brainstorm shows up on my master spreadsheet close to yesterday’s game, and probably came in the same batch, which is why it caught my eye today. That, and it sounds like a rather simple documentation romp for a Saturday afternoon, possibly leaving room for some other simple games.
Brainstorm: The Game Show works to capture the spirit of a nominal game show with its cartoon characters and its comically flippant host. In single player mode, where I race to answer as many questions as possible in 3 minutes, I remember that I am not especially adept at trivia. It does not help that I know next to nothing about literature, the category that was randomly selected for me. My score resembles a sine wave, bouncing in increments of 1000 points from -3000…3000, but mostly staying around 0. Eventually, I hit my stride with — of all topics — geography:

The game boasts over 6500 questions, so it could be awhile before you see the same one again. It also features configurable taunts. I guess some people would just find those too frustrating.
Kostya says:
My score resembles a sine wave, bouncing in increments of 1000 points from -3000…3000, but mostly staying around 0
Maybe you meant Gaussian (or normal) distribution? It seems to be certainly the case here (a sum of independent cases with equal distribution).
Elizabeth W. Daniel says:
can i have the code for the game or if not something similar. i have a project with the same concept and just wanted some help by seeing how the game code above is structured. thanx